X20 Cannes Lions: 5 Gold / 7 Silver / 8 Bronze - 29 Shortlists
X29 Clio: 4 Gold / 16 Silver / 9 Bronze
X17 D&AD: 2 Yellow / 7 Graphite / 7 Wood / 1 Agency of the Year
X12 One Show: 2 Gold / 4 Silver / 6 Bronze - 25 Merit
X17 D&AD: 2 Yellow / 7 Graphite / 7 Wood / 1 Agency of the Year
X12 One Show: 2 Gold / 4 Silver / 6 Bronze - 25 Merit
X4 Art Directors Club: 1 Silver / 3 Bronze - 8 Merit
X22 New York Festivals: 1 Grand Prix / 7 Gold / 10 Silver / 4 Bronze / 1 Agency of the Year
X19 LIA: 5 Gold / 9 Silver / 5 Bronze
X2 Andy’s: 2 Gold
X19 LIA: 5 Gold / 9 Silver / 5 Bronze
X2 Andy’s: 2 Gold
X31 Effie: 11 Gold / 11 Silver / 9 Bronze
ADLOC / OreoCodes
Cannes Lions / Gold - Creative Commerce
Cannes Lions / Silver - Radio & Audio
Cannes Lions / Silver - Creative Commerce
Cannes Lions / Bronze - Media
Cannes Lions / Bronze - Brand Experience
Cannes Lions / Bronze - Creative Commerce
D&AD Awards / Agency of the Year
D&AD Awards / Yellow - Digital & Social
D&AD Awards / Yellow - Experiential
D&AD Awards / Graphite - Media / Retail
D&AD Awards / Graphite - Media / Direct
D&AD Awards / Graphite - Commerce
D&AD Awards / Graphite - Direct
D&AD Awards / Graphite - Experiential
D&AD Awards / Graphite - Integrated
D&AD Awards / Wood - Commerce
D&AD Awards / Wood - Direct
One Show / Gold - Integrated
One Show / Gold - Direct Marketing: Commerce
One Show / Silver - Direct Marketing: Non-traditional
One Show / Silver - Experiential & Immersive: Commerce
One Show / Silver - Direct Marketing: Craft
One Show / Silver - Creative Use of Technology: Commerce
One Show / Bronze - Radio & Audio-First: Commerce
One Show / Bronze - Use of Smart Devices & Voice Assistants
One Show / Bronze - Execution in Direct Marketing
One Show / Bronze - Interactive & Mobile Craft
One Show / Bronze - Integrated / Omnichannel
Art Directors Club / Silver - Promotional Materials
Art Directors Club / Bronze - Innovation/Direct
Art Directors Club / Bronze - Interactive: Digital Craft
Art Directors Club / Bronze - Promotional / Digital Communications
Clio Awards / Gold - Creative Commerce / Acquisition & Retention
Clio Awards / Gold - Creative Commerce / Mobile-Led
Clio Awards / Gold - Audio
Clio Awards / Silver - Audio
Clio Awards / Silver - Creative Commerce
Clio Awards / Silver - Creative Effectiveness
Clio Awards / Silver - Design
Clio Awards / Silver - Design Craft
Clio Awards / Silver - Digital/Mobile / E-commerce
Clio Awards / Silver - Digital/Mobile / Wearables
Clio Awards / Silver - Digital/Mobile & Social Media Craft
Clio Awards / Silver - Direct / Audio
Clio Awards / Silver - Direct / Digital/Mobile
Clio Awards / Silver - Fashion & Beauty
Clio Awards / Silver - Integrated
Clio Awards / Bronze - Branded Entertainment & Content
Clio Awards / Bronze - Creative Commerce
Clio Awards / Bronze - Digital/Mobile
Clio Awards / Bronze - Experience/Activation / Digital/Mobile
Clio Awards / Bronze - Experience/Activation / Guerrilla
Clio Awards / Bronze - Innovation / Creative Commerce
Clio Awards / Bronze - Innovation / Direct
Andy Awards / Gold - Idea
Andy Awards / Gold - Craft
Eurobest / Silver - Audio & Radio / Social Behavior
Eurobest / Bronze - Audio & Radio / Use of Audio
Dubai Lynx / Grand Prix - Creative Commerce
Dubai Lynx / Grand Prix - Radio & Audio
Dubai Lynx / Grand Prix - Digital
Dubai Lynx / Bronze - Brand Experience
Dubai Lynx / Bronze - Direct
Dubai Lynx / Bronze - Digital
Dubai Lynx / Bronze - Media
Effie Awards / Gold - Marketing Innovation Solutions
Effie Awards / Gold - Media Innovation
Effie Awards / Gold - Digital Commerce
Effie Awards / Bronze - Retail Media
Cannes Lions / Gold - Creative Commerce
Cannes Lions / Silver - Radio & Audio
Cannes Lions / Silver - Creative Commerce
Cannes Lions / Bronze - Media
Cannes Lions / Bronze - Brand Experience
Cannes Lions / Bronze - Creative Commerce
D&AD Awards / Agency of the Year
D&AD Awards / Yellow - Digital & Social
D&AD Awards / Yellow - Experiential
D&AD Awards / Graphite - Media / Retail
D&AD Awards / Graphite - Media / Direct
D&AD Awards / Graphite - Commerce
D&AD Awards / Graphite - Direct
D&AD Awards / Graphite - Experiential
D&AD Awards / Graphite - Integrated
D&AD Awards / Wood - Commerce
D&AD Awards / Wood - Direct
One Show / Gold - Integrated
One Show / Gold - Direct Marketing: Commerce
One Show / Silver - Direct Marketing: Non-traditional
One Show / Silver - Experiential & Immersive: Commerce
One Show / Silver - Direct Marketing: Craft
One Show / Silver - Creative Use of Technology: Commerce
One Show / Bronze - Radio & Audio-First: Commerce
One Show / Bronze - Use of Smart Devices & Voice Assistants
One Show / Bronze - Execution in Direct Marketing
One Show / Bronze - Interactive & Mobile Craft
One Show / Bronze - Integrated / Omnichannel
Art Directors Club / Silver - Promotional Materials
Art Directors Club / Bronze - Innovation/Direct
Art Directors Club / Bronze - Interactive: Digital Craft
Art Directors Club / Bronze - Promotional / Digital Communications
Clio Awards / Gold - Creative Commerce / Acquisition & Retention
Clio Awards / Gold - Creative Commerce / Mobile-Led
Clio Awards / Gold - Audio
Clio Awards / Silver - Audio
Clio Awards / Silver - Creative Commerce
Clio Awards / Silver - Creative Effectiveness
Clio Awards / Silver - Design
Clio Awards / Silver - Design Craft
Clio Awards / Silver - Digital/Mobile / E-commerce
Clio Awards / Silver - Digital/Mobile / Wearables
Clio Awards / Silver - Digital/Mobile & Social Media Craft
Clio Awards / Silver - Direct / Audio
Clio Awards / Silver - Direct / Digital/Mobile
Clio Awards / Silver - Fashion & Beauty
Clio Awards / Silver - Integrated
Clio Awards / Bronze - Branded Entertainment & Content
Clio Awards / Bronze - Creative Commerce
Clio Awards / Bronze - Digital/Mobile
Clio Awards / Bronze - Experience/Activation / Digital/Mobile
Clio Awards / Bronze - Experience/Activation / Guerrilla
Clio Awards / Bronze - Innovation / Creative Commerce
Clio Awards / Bronze - Innovation / Direct
Andy Awards / Gold - Idea
Andy Awards / Gold - Craft
Eurobest / Silver - Audio & Radio / Social Behavior
Eurobest / Bronze - Audio & Radio / Use of Audio
Dubai Lynx / Grand Prix - Creative Commerce
Dubai Lynx / Grand Prix - Radio & Audio
Dubai Lynx / Grand Prix - Digital
Dubai Lynx / Bronze - Brand Experience
Dubai Lynx / Bronze - Direct
Dubai Lynx / Bronze - Digital
Dubai Lynx / Bronze - Media
Effie Awards / Gold - Marketing Innovation Solutions
Effie Awards / Gold - Media Innovation
Effie Awards / Gold - Digital Commerce
Effie Awards / Bronze - Retail Media
Cannes Lions / Gold - Creative Commerce
Cannes Lions / Gold - Direct / Use of Mobile
Cannes Lions / Silver - Direct / Food and Drink
Cannes Lions / Silver - Industry Craft
Cannes Lions / Silver - Radio & Audio
Cannes Lions / Bronze - Mobile
Cannes Lions / Bronze - Health
Cannes Lions / Shortlist - Brand Experience & Activation
Cannes Lions / Shortlist - Radio & Audio
Cannes Lions / Shortlist - Creative Commerce
One Show / Bronze - Customer Experience
D&AD Awards / Graphite - Experiential / Responsible Activations
D&AD Awards / Wood - Experiential / Retail Activations
D&AD Awards / Wood - Commerce / Purchase Experiences
Clio Awards / Silver - Creative Commerce / In-Store Experience
Clio Awards / Silver - Creative Commerce / Sustainable Commerce
Clio Awards / Silver - Experience/Activation
Clio Awards / Silver - Public Relations
Clio Awards / Bronze - Creative Business Transformation
New York Festivals / Agency of the Year
New York Festivals / Grand Prix - Commerce and Creativity
New York Festivals / Gold - Conversational Commerce
New York Festivals / Gold - Mobile Commerce
New York Festivals / Gold - Commerce / Food & Drinks
New York Festivals / Gold - Commerce and Creativity / Best Use
New York Festivals / Gold - Direct
New York Festivals / Gold - Digital/Mobile
New York Festivals / Gold - Print
New York Festivals / Silver - Commerce and Creativity
New York Festivals / Silver - Collaborations & Partnerships
New York Festivals / Silver - Hell's Kitchen (Alcohol)
New York Festivals / Silver - Sports
New York Festivals / Silver - Commerce and Creativity
New York Festivals / Silver - Collaborations & Partnerships
New York Festivals / Silver - Print
New York Festivals / Silver - Activation & Engagement
New York Festivals / Silver - Collaborations & Partnerships
New York Festivals / Bronze - Commerce and Creativity
New York Festivals / Bronze - Digital/Mobile
New York Festivals / Bronze - Avant-Garde/Innovative
London International Awards / Gold - Digital / Visual Design
London International Awards / Gold - Design
London International Awards / Gold - Non-Traditional / Direct Marketing
London International Awards / Silver - Ambient & Activation / Commerce
London International Awards / Silver - Ambient & Activation / Direct
London International Awards / Silver - Evolution
London International Awards / Silver - Integration
London International Awards / Silver - Non-Traditional / Snacks
London International Awards / Silver - Non-Traditional / Commerce
London International Awards / Silver - Radio/Audio
London International Awards / Bronze - Digital / Snacks
London International Awards / Bronze - Digital / Commerce
London International Awards / Bronze - Innovative Use of Radio/Audio
London International Awards / Bronze - Health & Wellness
El Ojo de Iberoamérica / Gold - Best Latin Idea for the World
El Ojo de Iberoamérica / Gold - Creative Commerce
El Ojo de Iberoamérica / Gold - Best Idea in Puerto Rico
El Ojo de Iberoamérica / Silver - Radio & Audio
El Ojo de Iberoamérica / Silver - Health & Pharma
El Ojo de Iberoamérica / Silver - Media
El Ojo de Iberoamérica / Bronze - Health & Pharma
El Ojo de Iberoamérica / Bronze - Creative Commerce
Cannes Lions / Gold - Creative Commerce
Cannes Lions / Gold - Direct / Use of Mobile
Cannes Lions / Silver - Direct / Food and Drink
Cannes Lions / Silver - Industry Craft
Cannes Lions / Silver - Radio & Audio
Cannes Lions / Bronze - Mobile
Cannes Lions / Bronze - Health
Cannes Lions / Shortlist - Brand Experience & Activation
Cannes Lions / Shortlist - Radio & Audio
Cannes Lions / Shortlist - Creative Commerce
One Show / Bronze - Customer Experience
D&AD Awards / Graphite - Experiential / Responsible Activations
D&AD Awards / Wood - Experiential / Retail Activations
D&AD Awards / Wood - Commerce / Purchase Experiences
Clio Awards / Silver - Creative Commerce / In-Store Experience
Clio Awards / Silver - Creative Commerce / Sustainable Commerce
Clio Awards / Silver - Experience/Activation
Clio Awards / Silver - Public Relations
Clio Awards / Bronze - Creative Business Transformation
New York Festivals / Agency of the Year
New York Festivals / Grand Prix - Commerce and Creativity
New York Festivals / Gold - Conversational Commerce
New York Festivals / Gold - Mobile Commerce
New York Festivals / Gold - Commerce / Food & Drinks
New York Festivals / Gold - Commerce and Creativity / Best Use
New York Festivals / Gold - Direct
New York Festivals / Gold - Digital/Mobile
New York Festivals / Gold - Print
New York Festivals / Silver - Commerce and Creativity
New York Festivals / Silver - Collaborations & Partnerships
New York Festivals / Silver - Hell's Kitchen (Alcohol)
New York Festivals / Silver - Sports
New York Festivals / Silver - Commerce and Creativity
New York Festivals / Silver - Collaborations & Partnerships
New York Festivals / Silver - Print
New York Festivals / Silver - Activation & Engagement
New York Festivals / Silver - Collaborations & Partnerships
New York Festivals / Bronze - Commerce and Creativity
New York Festivals / Bronze - Digital/Mobile
New York Festivals / Bronze - Avant-Garde/Innovative
London International Awards / Gold - Digital / Visual Design
London International Awards / Gold - Design
London International Awards / Gold - Non-Traditional / Direct Marketing
London International Awards / Silver - Ambient & Activation / Commerce
London International Awards / Silver - Ambient & Activation / Direct
London International Awards / Silver - Evolution
London International Awards / Silver - Integration
London International Awards / Silver - Non-Traditional / Snacks
London International Awards / Silver - Non-Traditional / Commerce
London International Awards / Silver - Radio/Audio
London International Awards / Bronze - Digital / Snacks
London International Awards / Bronze - Digital / Commerce
London International Awards / Bronze - Innovative Use of Radio/Audio
London International Awards / Bronze - Health & Wellness
El Ojo de Iberoamérica / Gold - Best Latin Idea for the World
El Ojo de Iberoamérica / Gold - Creative Commerce
El Ojo de Iberoamérica / Gold - Best Idea in Puerto Rico
El Ojo de Iberoamérica / Silver - Radio & Audio
El Ojo de Iberoamérica / Silver - Health & Pharma
El Ojo de Iberoamérica / Silver - Media
El Ojo de Iberoamérica / Bronze - Health & Pharma
El Ojo de Iberoamérica / Bronze - Creative Commerce
Cannes Lions / Gold - Creative Commerce
Cannes Lions / Silver - Sustainable Development Goals
Cannes Lions / Bronze - Creative Business Transformation
Cannes Lions / Shortlist - Entertainment Lions for Sport
Cannes Lions / Shortlist - Brand Experience & Activation
Cannes Lions / Shortlist - Creative Commerce / Sustainable Commerce
Cannes Lions / Shortlist - Creative Commerce / Consumer Goods
Cannes Lions / Shortlist - Creative Commerce / In-Store Experiences
Clio / Gold - Direct
Clio / Bronze - Design
D&AD Awards / Wood Pencil - Media
New York Festivals / Gold - Direct
LIA Awards / Gold - Non-Traditional / Creativity in Commerce
LIA Awards / Gold - Non-Traditional / Sustainability
LIA Awards / Silver - Transformative Business Impact
LIA Awards / Bronze - Ambient & Activation
El Ojo de Ibaroamérica / Bronze - Direct
AdStars / Gold - Brand Experience & Activation
AdStars / Silver - Design
AdStars / Silver - Direct
AdStars / Silver - Green
AdStars / Silver - Pivot
AdStars / Silver - PR
AdStars / Bronze - Interactive
AdStars / Bronze - Outdoor
Círculo de Oro / Silver - Sites & Microsites
Círculo de Oro / Silver - Multiple Social Media Campaigns
Círculo de Oro / Silver - Candy, Snacks & Food
PHNX Awards / Bronze - Brand Activation
PHNX Awards / Bronze - Brand Activation
Cannes Lions / Silver - Sustainable Development Goals
Cannes Lions / Bronze - Creative Business Transformation
Cannes Lions / Shortlist - Entertainment Lions for Sport
Cannes Lions / Shortlist - Brand Experience & Activation
Cannes Lions / Shortlist - Creative Commerce / Sustainable Commerce
Cannes Lions / Shortlist - Creative Commerce / Consumer Goods
Cannes Lions / Shortlist - Creative Commerce / In-Store Experiences
Clio / Gold - Direct
Clio / Bronze - Design
D&AD Awards / Wood Pencil - Media
New York Festivals / Gold - Direct
LIA Awards / Gold - Non-Traditional / Creativity in Commerce
LIA Awards / Gold - Non-Traditional / Sustainability
LIA Awards / Silver - Transformative Business Impact
LIA Awards / Bronze - Ambient & Activation
El Ojo de Ibaroamérica / Bronze - Direct
AdStars / Gold - Brand Experience & Activation
AdStars / Silver - Design
AdStars / Silver - Direct
AdStars / Silver - Green
AdStars / Silver - Pivot
AdStars / Silver - PR
AdStars / Bronze - Interactive
AdStars / Bronze - Outdoor
Círculo de Oro / Silver - Sites & Microsites
Círculo de Oro / Silver - Multiple Social Media Campaigns
Círculo de Oro / Silver - Candy, Snacks & Food
PHNX Awards / Bronze - Brand Activation
PHNX Awards / Bronze - Brand Activation
Epica Awards / Gold - Confectionery & Snacks
Epica Awards / Bronze - Humour in Advertising
Effie LATAM / Silver - Seasonal Marketing
Effie LATAM / Silver - Branded Content
Effie LATAM / Silver - Cuidado de la Salud
Effie LATAM / Silver - Impacto Positivo y Bien Social
The Drum Awards / Winner - Retail
Epica Awards / Bronze - Humour in Advertising
Effie LATAM / Silver - Seasonal Marketing
Effie LATAM / Silver - Branded Content
Effie LATAM / Silver - Cuidado de la Salud
Effie LATAM / Silver - Impacto Positivo y Bien Social
The Drum Awards / Winner - Retail
Effie Awards / Gold - Retail & Commerce
Effie Awards / Silver - Shopper Marketing
Effie Awards / Bronze - Software & Apps
Effie Awards / Bronze - Brand Experience
Cresta Awards / Gold - Design
Cresta Awards / Silver - Ambient & Experiential
Cresta Awards / Bronze - Healthcare
PHNX Tribute / Bronze - Brand Activation
PHNX Tribute / Bronze - Outdoor
Caples Awards / Bronze - Ambient, Guerrilla & OOH
Caples Awards / Bronze - PR
El Dorado / Silver - PR
El Dorado / Bronze - Digital
El Dorado / Bronze - Sustainable Development
Effie Awards / Silver - Shopper Marketing
Effie Awards / Bronze - Software & Apps
Effie Awards / Bronze - Brand Experience
Cresta Awards / Gold - Design
Cresta Awards / Silver - Ambient & Experiential
Cresta Awards / Bronze - Healthcare
PHNX Tribute / Bronze - Brand Activation
PHNX Tribute / Bronze - Outdoor
Caples Awards / Bronze - Ambient, Guerrilla & OOH
Caples Awards / Bronze - PR
El Dorado / Silver - PR
El Dorado / Bronze - Digital
El Dorado / Bronze - Sustainable Development
Cannes Lions / Shortlist - PR
Effie LATAM / Silver - Shopper & E-commerce Marketing
Effie LATAM / Bronze - Real Time Marketing
Effie Awards / Gold - Promos
Effie Awards / Silver - Activaciones de producto
Effie Awards / Bronze - Real Time
Effie Awards / Bronze - Retail
Effie LATAM / Silver - Shopper & E-commerce Marketing
Effie LATAM / Bronze - Real Time Marketing
Effie Awards / Gold - Promos
Effie Awards / Silver - Activaciones de producto
Effie Awards / Bronze - Real Time
Effie Awards / Bronze - Retail
Cannes Lions / Silver - Radio & Audio
Cannes Lions / Shortlist - Radio & Audio
Cannes Lions / Shortlist - Radio & Audio
D&AD Awards / Wood Pencil - Crafts for Advertising
White Square / Gold in Radio & Audio
Effie Awards / Gold - Social Media
Effie Awards / Bronze - Positive Change
Cannes Lions / Shortlist - Radio & Audio
Cannes Lions / Shortlist - Radio & Audio
D&AD Awards / Wood Pencil - Crafts for Advertising
White Square / Gold in Radio & Audio
Effie Awards / Gold - Social Media
Effie Awards / Bronze - Positive Change
Cannes Lions / Shortlist - Health
Effie LATAM / Gold – Bebidas No Alcohólicas
Effie LATAM / Gold – David Vs Goliat
Effie LATAM / Gold – Marketing Joven
Effie LATAM / Silver – Interactiva
Effie LATAM / Silver – Media Idea
Effie Awards / Gold - Bebidas No Alcohólicas
Effie Awards / Gold - Lanzamientos
Effie Awards / Silver - Marketing Relacional
Effie Awards / Bronze - David Vs Goliat
Effie LATAM / Gold – Bebidas No Alcohólicas
Effie LATAM / Gold – David Vs Goliat
Effie LATAM / Gold – Marketing Joven
Effie LATAM / Silver – Interactiva
Effie LATAM / Silver – Media Idea
Effie Awards / Gold - Bebidas No Alcohólicas
Effie Awards / Gold - Lanzamientos
Effie Awards / Silver - Marketing Relacional
Effie Awards / Bronze - David Vs Goliat
Cannes Lions / Bronze - Entertainment Lions for Music
Festival El Sol / Bronze - Branded Content
El Ojo de Iberoamérica / Bronze - Print
Festival ElDorado / Silver - Promo Activation
Festival ElDorado / Silver - Media
Festival ElDorado / Bronze - Creative Effectiveness
Festival El Sol / Bronze - Branded Content
El Ojo de Iberoamérica / Bronze - Print
Festival ElDorado / Silver - Promo Activation
Festival ElDorado / Silver - Media
Festival ElDorado / Bronze - Creative Effectiveness
Cannes Lions / Shortlist - Promo & Activation
Cannes Lions / Shortlist - Product Design
Cannes Health / Shortlist - Pharma
Effie Awards / Silver - Food Industry
Effie Awards / Bronze - Small Advertisers
Cannes Lions / Shortlist - Product Design
Cannes Health / Shortlist - Pharma
Effie Awards / Silver - Food Industry
Effie Awards / Bronze - Small Advertisers
Cannes Lions / Gold - Direct
Cannes Lions / Bronze - Branded Content
Cannes Lions / Shortlist - Media
London International Awards / Silver - TV/Cinema/Online Film
New York Festivals / Silver - Branded Entertainment
New York Festivals / Bronze - Direct & Collateral
Webby Awards / People's Voice - Sports
D&AD Awards / Wood Pencil - TV & Cinema Advertising
El Ojo De Iberoamérica / Bronze - Direct
El Dorado / Grand Prix - Media
El Dorado / Titanium & Integrated
El Dorado / Gold - Direct (DI2)
El Dorado / Gold - Direct (DI8)
El Dorado / Gold - PR
El Dorado / Gold - Promo & Activation
El Dorado / Silver - Direct
El Dorado / Silver - Promo & Activation
El Dorado / Bronze - Press
El Dorado / Bronze - Cyber
Cannes Lions / Bronze - Branded Content
Cannes Lions / Shortlist - Media
London International Awards / Silver - TV/Cinema/Online Film
New York Festivals / Silver - Branded Entertainment
New York Festivals / Bronze - Direct & Collateral
Webby Awards / People's Voice - Sports
D&AD Awards / Wood Pencil - TV & Cinema Advertising
El Ojo De Iberoamérica / Bronze - Direct
El Dorado / Grand Prix - Media
El Dorado / Titanium & Integrated
El Dorado / Gold - Direct (DI2)
El Dorado / Gold - Direct (DI8)
El Dorado / Gold - PR
El Dorado / Gold - Promo & Activation
El Dorado / Silver - Direct
El Dorado / Silver - Promo & Activation
El Dorado / Bronze - Press
El Dorado / Bronze - Cyber
SIGI Awards / Winner
El Ojo de Iberoamérica / Gold - Sports
El Ojo de Iberoamérica / Gold - Cine/TV - Local
El Ojo de Iberoamérica / Bronze - Cine/TV
El Ojo de Iberoamérica / Gold - Sports
El Ojo de Iberoamérica / Gold - Cine/TV - Local
El Ojo de Iberoamérica / Bronze - Cine/TV